How much better can it get
This is one of your best songs to date. great job
+ awesome intro
- the dropoff and rebuild at the end of the intro took a little long.
+ im glad you took AL25's beat because it is really awesome and needed to be redone with your new skills.
+ the variations that the song goes too really add alot to it. the first one is complemented by nice drums, then it evolves into the samething but an octave or two higher. then it goes into the next subbeat which ends well and goes back into the main beat. And the main beat now has that second sub beat underlayed under it.
- the two beats needed there volume to differentiate a bit more, they were clashing a bit, especially on a few notes.
+ the next subbeat, the pulseing solo thing right after the drums, is really good.
+ it goes into something like that at the end.
+ after that you finish it with a piano solo that sounds so perfect.
I hope you get some feature for this or something, becasuse its better then some of the stuff thats getting featured. and while you wait for the recognition to come, MAKE MORE GOOD SONGS!